- Papers can only be submitted through the “Online Paper Submission System” on the conference website, and any papers sent via email, fax or post will not be evaluated.
- Registration on the online system is mandatory before submitting a paper.
- For the full text or abstract of papers to be published in the Abstract Book, at least one author must have completed the conference registration process.
- Each participant is entitled to submit a maximum of two papers. When your application is approved, your invitation letter will be automatically sent through the system.
- The deadline for submitting papers is September 3, 2023.
- Papers will be evaluated by independent referees who will keep the names, surnames and institutions of the researchers anonymous.
- The acceptance or rejection of papers and, if necessary, requests for correction from the authors will be based on the independent referee reports.
- All correspondence related to papers entered into the system will be made with the author who uploaded the papers..
- The conference language is Turkish and English.
- The entire abstract should not exceed 400 words (excluding the title, author names, institution information, and keywords). The paper abstracts should be uploaded to the system in both Turkish and English abstract formats.
- The paper abstracts should be prepared in Times New Roman font, with a line spacing of 1.5 and a font size of 11 points.
- The title of the abstract should reflect the content of the topic, be short and should not contain abbreviations. The title should be written with the first letters of each word capitalized. Prepositions such as and, on, of should be written with small letters in titles.
- Academic titles should not be used in author names. Names should only be written with the first letter capitalized.
- The names and addresses of the institutions where the authors work (university name, faculty/department, city, and country) must be specified.
- The abstract should be clear in terms of content and scope.
- The abstract should be understandable in terms of content and scope.
- When abbreviations are needed in the abstract, they should be indicated in parentheses where they first appear.
- Papers can be submitted in the form of original research (observational, experimental, methodological studies, meta-analyses and systematic review studies), case reports, and reviews.
- Paper abstracts for original research should be structured to include the sections “Introduction and Aim, Method, Results, Conclusion” for English abstracts.
- Paper abstracts for case reports should be structured to include the sections “Introduction and Aim, Case(s), Conclusion” for English abstracts.
- Paper abstracts for reviews should be structured as plain text, including the purpose of the review.
- Keywords should be given, with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5, and separated by commas.
- Full text submission is not mandatory. Participation to the congress can be provided with abstracts. Full texts can be uploaded to the online abstract system after the abstracts are announced. Participants whose abstracts are not accepted will not be allowed to upload their full text through the system. The authors who wants their accepted abstracts to be published as full text, should submit their full texts through “Online Abstract System’’ until December 3,2023. Papers sent by e-mail, fax or mail, regardless of this system, will not be evaluated.
- The full text should be in Turkish (optional English) at least 1000 and at most 2500 words (excluding title, author information and bibliography).
- The full text should be written in Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing and 11 font size.
- The full-text title should reflect the subject content, be short, and not contain abbreviations. The title should be written with the first letters of each word capitalized. Prepositions such as “and,on, of should be written small.
- Academic titles should not be used in author names. Names should be written in lower case with only the first letter uppercase.
- The names and addresses of the institutions where the authors work (university name, faculty / department, province and country) must be specified.
- Original research full texts; “Abstract should be structured to include “abstract, introduction, aim, method, results, discussion, conclusion, references”.
- Full text of case reports; should be structured to include “abstract, introduction and aim, case (s), discussion, conclusion, references”.
- Compile full texts; “Abstract should be structured to include “abstract, introduction and aim, main text, conclusion, references”.
- Keywords should be at least 3 and at most 5 words. “;” (Semicolon) should be placed between words.
- All titles of tables and figures / graphics should be written and placed in order of use in the text. Figures should be digital format, jpeg registered and 300 dpi resolution.
- References should be written according to Vancouver style (
- References in the text should be numbered in order of use and the reference list should be presented in this order. The source number should be given in parentheses to the relevant place. If more than one source is used, a comma must be placed between the sources.
- In-text example:
…… The Turkish validity and reliability of the report was made by Çınar et al. (17)…
When the literature is examined, it is seen that patients prefer breast supplements (vitamins, minerals) and natural products (plants, etc.) most frequently in studies conducted with breast cancer patients in different countries (4,5,13).
References should be written according to the following examples:
If the number of authors is 6 or less, all authors are indicated:
Iyigun E, Tastan S, Ayhan H, Coskun H, Kose G, Mumcuoglu T. Life Experiences of Patients With Glaucoma: A Phenomenological Study. J Nurs Res. 2017; 25 (5): 336-343.
If the number of authors is more than 6, the first three authors are indicated.
Cinar FI, Unver V, Cinar M, et al. Coping strategies for daily living in women whose hands are affected by systemic sclerosis. J Clin Nurs. 2014; 23 (11-12): 1630-8.
All papers accepted and presented as oral or posters at the congress, “5th International and 6th National Oncology Nursing Congress will be published electronically in the full text and abstract proceedings. All responsibility for the papers submitted to the congress (ethics approval for research articles, correct spelling of resources, adherence to grammatical rules, etc.) belongs to the author / authors .
All participants should present oral and / or poster presentations. Papers that have not been presented will not be included in the ‘’ Full text and abstract book ”.
Oral Presentation
- Oral presentations can be delivered in Turkish or English.
- The presentation time for oral presentations should be planned for a total of 5 minutes, including presentation and discussion.
- Those who do not present at the specified venue, day, and time in the congress program will be considered as not attending the congress.
- Presentations cannot be made on behalf of someone else. The person who will present at the congress must be an author or co-author.
Poster Presentation
- Posters should not be larger than A0 (841mm x 1189mm) or smaller than A2 (420mm x 594mm).
- Original research: Introduction and Objectives, Methods, Results, Table(s), Discussion, Conclusion, References
- Case report: Introduction and Objectives, Case(s), Discussion, Conclusion, References
- Review: Introduction and Objectives, Subheadings if applicable, Conclusion, References.
At the congress, “1st/2nd/3rd Prize for Oral/Poster Presentation” certificates will be given to 3 oral and 3 poster presentations that are presented and awarded a prize. These presentations will be part of the 5th International 6th National Oncology Nursing Congress.